If you place an order with us, we will aim to ship your order within 3 working days. We may occasionally take longer than this, but we will contact you if there is likely to be a significant delay. All orders will be sent to you via An Post using a service that provides track and trace. We will send you the tracking number.
If you are outside the EU then you may be liable for customs charges on your order, although small parcels often reach the customer without any customs fee being incurred.
The cost of shipping is based on the total weight of the items you have ordered, as well as the location of your address. Our shipping zones are:
- Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
- Great Britain
- Europe
- Rest of World
To view the shipping charges of an order that you might wish to place, visit the shopping basket page and enter your address in the shipping section. The shipping charge will update as you add or remove items from your basket.